dimanche 29 juillet 2012

- NIUE - The Rock (Fr:"Le Rocher")

We've just come back from Niue island where we spent an amazing week among amazing, kind and  generous people. Niue is a small raised coral atoll in the South Pacific with 260 square kilometers and about 1,500 residents. Do not expect any sand beaches because there are none, Niueans: Otuko or Hio are not really sandy beaches :) . We won't say anything but we invite you to go through our pictures and videos. We hope we will convince you to stop by this amazing place, Niueans need our support! 
We just want to thank all the Niueans for all the moments we shared together and for their generosity. Special thanks to Alison, Tani and Emani family, Fila and Stuart, Moa and Pati, and finally Nita and Jeannot for their hospitality and generosity. All these people made our trip so special and we won't forget them.

Nous venons de rentrer de l'ile de Niue ou nous avons passer une merveilleuse semaine en compagnie de gens etonnant, gentils et genereux. Niue est un petit atoll corallien dans le Pacific Sud qui "mesure" 260 kilometres carres and comprend 1500 habitants. Ne vous attendez pas a des plages de sable blanc, il n'y en a pas. Nous esperons que ces photos et videos suffiront a vous convaincre de vous arreter sur cette ile. Les Niueans ont besoin de notre support. Nous remercions tous les Niueans pour leur accueil chaleureux et leur generosite.

Day One / Premier Jour

 Alofi Show day: Red was the color to wear on the day


Samoan show:

Coconut crab called Uga (can be old as 100 years!)

With Emani

 With Fila

With Pati

 Community dinner after the show (here: a few crabs...)

Day Two / Deuxieme jour:

Togo Chasm


Day 3 
Takai Road trip

Following Alofi Show day, "Takai" involves people from Alofi who travel around the island with decorated cars to celebrate by throwing candies to kids.
Apres le show a Alofi, "Takai" est organise autour par les habitants d'Alofi qui decorent leur voiture pour l'occasion et parcourent toute l'ile pour celebrer en donnant des bonbons aux enfants de l'ile.

With Jeannot, getting cars ready!

Video of Takai tour: http://youtu.be/2LwoFEErsP8


Utuko and Opahi Reef:

Nice reef in Alofi next to the wharf, shelter of a few white tip reef sharks....

Boat coming every month supplying good and food for the island

White tip reef shark filmed in Utuko: link of video: http://youtu.be/dp4Z4Ik_d5w
Requin Corail: cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus


Day 4

Umu (Niuean Hangi)

Traditionnal meal cooked under the ground on hot rocks inside banana leaves.
For this one we used chicken, pigeon, corned beef, pawpaw, coconut crab, coconut, coconut milk, taro.

Plat traditionnel Niuean cuit sous terre sur des pierres chaudes a l'interieur de feuilles de bananes. On a utilise du poulet, du pigeon, corned beef, papaye, crabe de noix de coco, taro (espece de patate douce).

Karima holding a uga (coconut crab), tied down though....at 6am.
Karima et un crabe

Fila and I holding ugas

Nita with the ugas which will be boiled separately
Nita tenant les crabes qui seront bouillis a part 

Next step is to separate coconuts from their "shell"
Il faut maintenant retirer les noix de cocos de leur enveloppe

Some coconuts possess a "marshmalow" growing inside, with a fibre texture and also containing some coconut oil
Certaines noix de coco contiennent un marshmalow a l'interieur. La texture est fibreuse et l'interieur contient egalement de l'huile de noix de coco.

Getting the coconut flesh out
Il faut maintenant raper la noix de coco a l'interieur

Peeling taro with Alison and Jeannot
Epluchage des taros 

Coconut and peeled taro

Squeezing the coconut milk out
Extraction du lait de coco

Pigeon with spinash laid on banana leaves
"Pigeon sur son lit de feuilles d'epinards enveloppés dans des feuilles de bananes"

 Pouring fresh coconut milk
On verse du lait de coco par-dessus

Wrapping everything within banana leaves
On ferme le tout Maite

While the fire is on to warm the rocks
Et on met au four thermostat 8

Removing warm rocks before adding the "wraps"

Covering food with hot rocks
On recouvre la nourriture avec les pierres chaudes

Finally covering with heaps of banana leaves
On recouvre le tout avec des feuilles de bananes

Enjoying Niuean's cuisine!!!
"Ne jamais melanger les lipides et les glucides"

How original, french making crepe for desert!!! (please note the proper crepe maker from Nita, amazing!)
Des crepes en dessert avec une VRAIE machine a crepe

Talava arches (while umu is cooking for 2 hours)


Day Five

Lakepa village

We were taken for a tour of Lakepa village (thanks to Tani) to show us the brand new facilities and the local craft
Tour du village de Lakepa pour nous montrer les nouvelles installations du village et l'art local

Avaiki and Palaha: